The afternoon report is not as amazing as we had hoped for, the backwater spot we were hitting only produced Bluefish today. Here’s a picture of something you always should remember to do: CLEAN YOUR REELS!
The kings have moved in on the beach the last week and it looks like everyone is taking notice, Fall is here! Last week we had the South Brunswick Islands Classic and finished in the top 20. We will be at it again this weekend, fingers crossed for a good fish!
Me and tripp spent the day on two different boats putting our cousins on some fish today in the backwater. Great looking red from Banks today, let’s get out there and go fishing!
Sorry for the delayed post due to internet issues. The other day Tripp and David ran an 8 hour trip with a fun group of guys. Their first bait in the water was a big pogy on the downrigger and a monster bit it within 30 seconds. Wil did a great job fighting the fish all the way to the boat just for it to make a mad dash for the prop and break him off. That wasn’t his first rodeo! Later in the day they caught more king mackerel, barracuda, sharks, and an undersized cobia. Great trip overall. Come check us out for your next Holden Beach Fishing Charter!
Had a good day on a nearshore Spanish trip today with a wonderful family! Cooper and Owen did a great job catching dinner! Come check out our Holden Beach Fishing Charters!
Had a great day with three generations of Clifford’s on The Black Pearl today. We had an action packed day catching Blues, Spanish, and some sharks. Bait pods were popping and the crew was bringing them in. What a fun day with this family we hope to see again soon. Let’s go fish on one of our Holden Beach Fishing Charters!
Today, capt hook and Tripp ran an 8 hour trip with returning customer Larry Lurre. Larry has been fishing with us for many years now and has seen the ups and downs of the southern NC fishery. Today was an action packed day as we encountered many amberjack and sharks, and were lucky enough to pull out some nice kingfish and a mahi mahi! Come fishing with us and see what Mother Nature has in store for you! We’ll see what will happen on our Holden Beach Fishing charter tomorrow!
Headed out this morning with only a couple of boats through the Little River Jetties only to be met with very sporty conditions. We soon found that our original intentions would be thrown out the window after we headed towards the hole. Good friend Preston Kendall headed to the hole and continued on only having one good strike during the day. We ran up the beach fishing a number inshore and had only one strike and then a good size hammerhead. A very few amount of fish were weighed today out of 120 boats so it is still on tomorrow. Let’s get you on one of our Holden Beach Fishing Charters soon!
Tripp and I ran out with good friend Brian Richard yesterday to try for some grouper. We ran out of Shallotte heading towards some numbers a couple miles off the navy wreck. We stopped along the way with not much happening. We then hit the Triggerfish and couldn’t get them stop biting. We moved around with Brian hooking up on a couple big Amberjacks and still trying for Grouper. We finished the day out getting a Scamp and a Yellowtail Grouper in about 180 feet but nothing like the 40 pound Gag on the last bottom fishing trip. Maybe another day soon! Let’s get you out there July 4th weekend!
Yesterday was a rainy nasty day but it ended out nice right above our home marina at Holden Beach.