The Backwater is Alive

In the past couple of weeks we have seen the Bull Redfish push out and the Fall Speckled Trout bite has turned ON. On Thanksgiving weekend we fished the Cy’s World Tournament out of Ocean Isle and placed second with two 3.7 pound trout. This was a sign that the bigger trout were here, but are mixed in with a lot of small ones. We have been using soft plastics and some live shrimp for trout.

The Red And Black Drum are scattered around with some small keepers here and there. We have been seeing the Sheepshead in good numbers with a couple in the 4-5 pound range the last couple of weeks, but it is starting to slow down.

It may be cold, but don’t be scared to grab a jacket and come along! Call 910-540-7332 to book your trip.

Fall report

Fall is here and the fish are showing! The bull drum bite has been very steady around the inlets and off the beach. Some big king mackerel have showed up down the coast and are being caught off the piers and in the mouths of the inlets. The trout are also starting to show and be looking for it to heat up as it starts to cool off even more. The wahoo bite is just around the corner so give us a call to book your trip!

Summertime fun

Mid-June Report

fishing is red hot right now to say the least. In the Backwater, we are seeing great numbers of redfish, and speckled trout with a few flounder and black drum mixed in. The redfish bite has been steady around oyster rocks, docks, and grass lines in the Backwater. The flounder are starting to show up on the nearshore reefs, mainly in the 15-20 inch range. Trout and reds are feeding on live shrimp which is always the hot bait when you can get your hands on them.

offshore, there are lots of king mackerel in the 10-15 pound range around live bottom, and wrecks. We are also seeing quite a few cobia around the nearshore wrecks, and live bottom further offshore. Although we are approaching the end of the cobia run, there are still quite a few out there! Call 910-540-7332 to book your Holden Beach fishing charter!

Backwater Update

Ran a double yesterday, and found some very nice fish. The first half of the day consisted of a very nice school of red fish, with some overslots, and lots of short flounder. The second half found a very nice keeper flounder, a speckled trout, and some blues. All the rain we have had the past few days has changed things up, but we are still finding some great fish! Call 910-540-7332 today to book your Holden Beach Fishing Charter.

Nearshore Action

Went out nearshore this morning and was treated with a gorgeous ocean. We had steady action all day from quite a few cobia, and spadefish. Had one Cobia around 35 pounds, with the others being a little smaller. The huge tiger sharks also paid us a visit. Had a great time fishing with these guys and look forward too seeing them again!  Call 910-540-7332 for your Holden Beach Fishing Charter!

The fishing is heating up! Cobia in full swing

Had a couple of hours of good weather yesterday and decided to take adavantage of it. Took the flats boat In the 5-10 mile range in search of a cobia. After only 2 hours of fishing, we boated 4 cobia with the biggest in the 40 pound range. We will be catching these for the next few weeks on 4, 6, and 8 hour trips. After the wind started blowing, we came in the inlet, and found a few upper slot redfish. Give us a call at 910-540-7332 to book your Holden Beach Fishing Charter!

Backwater Bash Postponed to June 23

Due to terrible weather this weekend and this trying to be a family oriented event, The Capt’n Hook Backwater Bash will be held Saturday, June 23 out of Inlet View.

Marvelous May

Marvelous May is living up to its name! We are seeing great numbers of fish, both offshore and inshore. Last week, we ran out to the break, and caught some nice Mahi Mahi and grouper. The kings are also on fire nearshore. Soon we should see more cobia show up along the beaches. Yesterday, I ran a 4 hour Backwater, and we stayed busy all morning catching very nice redfish, keeper flounder, black drum, and bluefish. Call 910-540-7332 to book your next Holden or Ocean Isle Beach Fishing Charter!

Saturday Shenanigans

Had an awesome full day action packed trip with friends. Caught flounder and redfish all day. Moved around and did a little exploring along the way and we were not disappointed. The gulf stream is red hot right now, give us a call 910-540-7332 and we can make it happen!