Fishing Report Nov. 24, 2016


HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Hope everyone enjoyed their time being with family and friends yesterday. We sure did,  and we also got on some fish right before Thanksgiving lunch! Had some nice flounder yesterday with the biggest being about 3 1/2 pounds. Let’s put you on them! Give us a call!

Fishing Report Nov. 23, 2016

The other day the Capt Hook Outdoors crew headed offshore to the gulfstream. Conditions are perfect for wahoo right now. They had three good 13-18 pound Mahi, a good sized Blackfin Tuna, two Wahoos weighing 55 and 40 pounds, and some bottom fish. What a day for a Carolina Slam! The ocean was just right and the bite made it a magical day! Call us THIS IS THE TIME TO GO!

Fishing Report Nov. 19, 2016

img_0380The bite was on for the crew today. We also had a lot of small black drum and speckled trout. Ended the night duck hunting with only seeing one, we will wait on the cold! Call us TODAY! We WILL put you on the FISH!

Fishing Report Nov. 17, 2016

img_4889Under an hour to fish tonight after the crew finally got out there, but hey fishing for a little while is better than not fishing at all! The crew reported many cookie-cutter 17 inch red drum, just an inch too small to keep. Let’s get you on the fish, call us today!

Fishing Report Nov. 15, 2016

img_4882The Trout are still biting good and so are the Red and Black Drum, the Capt. Hook Outdoors crew  got on them afternoon but couldn’t limit out due to a slow start and the sun going down earlier. We can put you on them and limit out! Come fish with us! Give us a call!

Fishing Report Nov. 14, 2016

Welcome to the new Capt. Hook Outdoors website! We are ready to get you out on the water and catch some fish! For everyone that is wondering, the fishing was great down in Fort Pierce, Florida for the 2016 Southern Kingfish Association National Championship. On Wednesday before the championship the Capt. Hook Outdoors crew fished the 1st Annual Mercury Bash for Cash and took home 1st place in the open class division with a 41 pounder! This kicked off some momentum for the national championship that would take place that Friday and Saturday. Although we wished for better, we took home 21st place out of 200 boats! Thanks for all the support! In other news the kings are biting like hornets close to the beach and the trout are running very good! Lets put you on them call us! img_4858